Sunday with Moby: ‘In the afternoon, I clean, which, weirdly, I love’

1 year ago 51

Up early or lie-in? It sounds austere and monastic, but I wake at 4am, no matter what. About 15 years ago, before sobriety, I would stay out until 8am every night. Now I’m old and sober.

Hungry? Yes. I’ll make a ridiculously, annoyingly healthy breakfast. It sounds like the biggest vegan cliché, but I’ll blend red chard, broccoli, bananas, oranges, fresh ginger, turmeric and whatever berries I have into a gigantic smoothie that sits in the fridge and sees me through the morning.

Then what? I’ll start obsessively going through the news: the New York Times, Washington Post, BBC, Guardian and Wall Street Journal just to get a sense of what the slightly less unhinged right-wing United States is up to.

Sunday exercise? I moved to LA after I got sober. A weird aspect of being an old sober guy is that I can’t remember the last time I woke up when the sun was up. Around 6.30am, I’ll go for a hike around Griffith Park.

Friends and family? I don’t have much family. The only family I have live 3,000 miles away on the East Coast, so I see them once a year at best. I’ll come back at 9am and work on music because the other thing that makes me ridiculously annoying is: I don’t ever take a day off.

Time for lunch? Usually a vegan pasta with walnuts and kimchi. Then, in the afternoon, I clean, which, weirdly, I love. When I was growing up, my mum cleaned people’s houses to make extra money and I would help. If the music doesn’t work out, I can always go back to that.

Sunday unwind? Maybe read a book, make some dinner, watch the John Oliver show.

Sunday gigs? I do everything to avoid touring. I hate airports and I hate hotels. My last tour, I intentionally went hiking in Griffith Park to try to get bitten by a rattlesnake, so I could put it all off!

Moby’s new album, Resound NYC, is out on 12 May

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