Sturgeon accuses UK ministers of using trans people as ‘political weapon’

1 year ago 177

Nicola Sturgeon has warned the UK government against blocking gender reforms passed by the Scottish parliament, accusing ministers of “using trans people as a political weapon.”

Scotland’s first minister said the move to block the legislation would create a “very, very slippery slope indeed” and would embolden the UK government to do the same in other areas.

There is a widespread expectation that the British prime minister, Rishi Sunak, will block the gender recognition reform bill using provisions of the Scotland Act 1998, though No 10 sources insisted the prime minister was yet to fully review the legal advice.

Ministers are meeting on Monday to consider how to approach the legislation at the constitutional committee with a decision expected as soon as the evening.

Sunak must make the decision by Wednesday whether to block the legislation to allow self-identification for transgender people, which would make it easier for them to obtain official gender recognition certificates, including by reducing waiting times, removing the need for a medical diagnosis and bringing the minimum age down to 16 from 18.

The UK is able to veto the legislation using section 35 of the act, although Sunak could also take the decision to refer the bill to the supreme court.

Sturgeon told reporters there were “no grounds to challenge this legislation” and that it did not affect the operation of the Equality Act.”

It was passed by a large majority of the Scottish parliament cross-party, although there have been strong objections from some MSPs as well as some Scottish campaigners.

“If there is a decision to challenge, in my view, it will be quite simply a political decision and I think it will be using trans people – already one of the most vulnerable, stigmatised groups in our society – as a political weapon,” Sturgeon said. “And I think that will be unconscionable and indefensible and really quite disgraceful.”

The majority of Labour MSPs backed the legislation, although two resigned in order to vote against, but on Sunday the Labour leader Keir Starmer voiced concern about some of its provisions, including reducing the minimum age to 16.

Sturgeon said she was “not the only one who starts to wonder, if there is anything Keir Starmer is willing to stand up and be counted on in the face of Tory attacks.

“On this particular issue, this is legislation that was scrutinised and voted for by Keir Starmer’s own party in the Scottish parliament, so if he backed any move by the government to block this he would be showing utter contempt for his own Scottish party as well as the Scottish parliament.”

Senior cabinet figures – including the equalities minister, Kemi Badenoch – have raised concerns about the bill and its implications for the Equalities Act 2010.

Sunak visited Scotland last week and had dinner with Sturgeon, during which he acknowledged there were concerns about the bill. “Obviously this is a very sensitive area and I know there were very robust debates and exchanges on it as the bill was passing in Scotland,” he said.

“There may be impacts across the UK that we need to be aware of and understand the impact of them, and that’s what we’re doing, and once the government has received final advice it will set out next steps.”

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