Students ate less meat for three years after a talk on climate impact

1 year ago 53


In a randomised trial, students who listened to a single 50-minute talk on the health and climate impacts of meat ate 9 per cent fewer meat-based meals over the next three years

By Michael Le Page

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2 March 2023

Eating meat, especially beef, is a big contributor to climate change

brent Hofacker/iStockphoto/Get​ty Images

The production of meat is a major contributor to global warming and eating less of it is better for your health. Simply telling people about this can lead to a reduction in their meat consumption, with the effect lasting at least three years, a study has found.

Andrew Jalil at Occidental College in Los Angeles and his colleagues recruited 213 students at a US university with an average age of 19 and randomly divided them into two groups. …

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