Strange quantum effect observed in unusually large object

1 year ago 65


An object made of hundreds of atoms exhibits a quantum property normally only associated with very small objects

By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan

Quantum entanglement. Conceptual artwork of a pair of entangled quantum particles or events (left and right) interacting at a distance. Quantum entanglement is one of the consequences of quantum theory. Two particles will appear to be linked across space and time, with changes to one of the particles (such as an observation or measurement) affecting the other one. This instantaneous effect appears to be independent of both space and time, meaning that, in the quantum realm, effect may precede cause.

A concept image of a pair of entangled particles

Victor de Schwanberg/Science Photo Library

A quantum property associated with tiny objects has been found to persist in an experiment with more than a thousand atoms. This could help us understand where the boundary between the quantum world and the macroscopic world lies – if such a boundary exists.

The property for an object in question is two-fold: firstly, that its physical characteristics depend on whether it is being measured and secondly, that it can be influenced over long distances by another object without exchanging any known signals. …

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