Songbirds sing out of tune if they don't practise every day

1 year ago 75


If zebra finches are prevented from singing for two weeks, they sing at a lower pitch – but they soon recover once they resume daily practice

By Jason Arunn Murugesu

Male zebra finches, like the bird on the right in this photo, may need daily practice to keep up their singing ability

Arco/G. Lacz/Imagebroker/Alamy

Songbirds may need to practise singing every day to maintain the quality of their performance.

Male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) learn a unique song, usually from their father, in the first 90 days of their life. They then sing thousands of variations of that same song daily throughout their lifetime. Here is a typical example.

But here is what it sounds like after two …

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