Rishi Sunak warned over NHS waiting times targets if RCN votes against nurses pay deal – UK politics live

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What happens if RCN rejects pay offer but other health unions accept it?

A reader has asked me this through the ‘send us a message’ feature.

If RCN reject and other union vote to accept the deal, will the deal be imposed on nurses as majority voted for?

At this stage we don’t know. Just going ahead and imposing the pay deal anyway would be one option – probably the easiest, and most obvious, for ministers, but, as Dan Bloom points out in his London Playbook briefing for Politico, partly it depends on what other unions on the NHS Staff Council (the body that deals with pay for nurses and other NHS workers covered by the Agenda for Change system) decide. Bloom explains:

Playbook tried to answer the question of what happens if one big union, such as the RCN, rejects the pay deal while others accept it. There were differences of opinion among union officials we spoke to, but a meeting on May 2 is key.

Showdown: The NHS Staff Council — including all six unions with strike mandates — is due to meet two days before the local elections to decide on the pay offer. A senior official with knowledge of the process tells Playbook each member of the council gets a weighted vote corresponding to the size of their membership. After weighting, an official says the deal would only need a simple majority to pass — meaning it could in theory be introduced even if not everyone is in favor.

In his analysis for the Times Chris Smyth says, although it is unclear what will happen next, ministers are not expected to reopen pay negotiations. He says:

The problem for union leaders was the Treasury’s insistence that pay rises of more than 5 per cent would fuel inflation. This meant that more of the offer had to come in the form of a one-off bonus, which many staff see as “insulting”. That is likely to have contributed to a no vote.

What happens now is uncertain, particularly if some unions reject it while others accept. Ministers could drop the bonus and revert to their original plans for a 3.5 per cent rise, or ask the pay review body to make a recommendation, although that is likely to be similar or even higher than the 5 per cent on the table.

Ministers could decide to pay out anyway and hope that extra cash in pay packets weakens the resolve to strike. What they will not want to do is reopen talks. That would send a signal to the rest of the public sector that it is always worth holding out for more.

Ireland's deputy PM says former DUP leader Arlene Foster wrong to say Biden hates UK

Lisa O'Carroll

Lisa O'Carroll

Ireland’s deputy prime minister Micheál Martin has criticised remarks by the former DUP leader and former Northern Ireland first minister Arlene Foster, who said Joe Biden “hates” the UK.

He said she was “wrong”, declaring that her remarks about the US president were “misplaced” as he doesn’t “hate” anyone. He told RTE’s This Morning show:

I’m very surprised by that comment.

The one word that you do not associate with Joe Biden is the word hate. He’s the antithesis of that. He’s the opposite of that. He always speaks about the dignity of every human person. He’s more love than hate by a country mile.

Biden has spoken about the importance of treating everyone with dignity in each of the three speeches he has already given on his four day trip to the island of Ireland.

Martin said:

I think that was a wrong comment by Arlene. In fact, he often references his British heritage as well in terms of his uncle had been involved in in the British Navy and I think he gave a personal anecdote about that. So I think that was misplaced. He’s not that type of person.

Government and RCN should resume talks if nurses vote against pay offer, says NHS leader

In his LBC interview this morning Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, which represents trusts and other NHS bodies, said that, if RCN members do reject the government’s pay offer, both sides should resume talks immediately. He said:

If the RCN ballot today is to reject, we can only say to both sides, look you are not far apart please get down to talks and move ahead with it.

In the interview Taylor said that further strikes by nurses could make it “almost impossible” for the government to meet its promise to cut waiting times. (See 9.05am.) He said figures published yesterday were “really impressive” and showed the government has been making good progress.

Reducing the number of people waiting 18 months to only 30,000; reducing the number of people waiting a year; more diagnostic tests than every before; responding to those diagnostic tests in terms of cancer particularly on target. So the NHS can make progress, is making progress, pushing into the backlog, but these strikes make that very, very difficult.

But Taylor also said the strike by junior doctors was not helping. He explained:

We have coped reasonably well [while junior doctors have been on strike this week] in terms of being able to meet emergency critical care. The problem is that in order to do that we have had to put on hold a huge proportion of the outpatients work and the elective work we do.

For example, yesterday I was on a surgical ward, that ward would normally have many junior doctors on it, it now had consultants on it. The consultants were coping fine.

As they are doing that work their outpatients list is not being attended to, the list of people waiting for operations is growing. The backlog will have increased.

When Rishi Sunak announced his five pledges in January, one of them said: “NHS waiting lists will fall and people will get the care they need more quickly.” Responding to questions from journalists on the day the pledges were announced, Sunak said he wanted to get rid of waits lasting more than a year and a half by Aprile this year, and to eliminate waits lasting more than a year, and to have the overall waiting list going down, by spring next year.

The figures out yesterday showed the overall waiting list still going up, but 18-month waits down to 30,000 in February, a 35% fall on the previous month.

The RCN ballot of members on the NHS pay deal closed at 9am. The result should be announced this afternoon, the union says. A spokesperson said:

Voting closed at 9am and we have no verified result until later today. An announcement of the final result will take place during the day and we will set out the next steps.

Rishi Sunak warned over NHS waiting times targets if RCN votes against nurses pay deal

Good morning. Yesterday, when ConservativeHome was interviewing Rishi Sunak, it started with a video that it described as presenting Sunak’s own account of what he has achieved since he became prime minister. One of the successes it mentioned was agreeing a pay deal for NHS workers, and it quoted Sunak as saying, about a month ago, he was “delighted to say that the government has reached an agreement with unions representing over a million NHS workers, on a fair and reasonable basis”.

Sunak may have been speaking too soon. The unions involved have been balloting their members on the deal and the Royal College of Nursing, probably the most important union in this negotiation, is announcing the result of the ballot today.

Although the union recommended that members should accept the pay deal, there is speculation that they will vote against. In our story Kiran Stacey reports:

Sources close to the union said the vote is so close that it has been forced to make contingency plans for a no vote. Those plans would mean the NHS in England would be hit by another wave of nursing strikes, starting within weeks and going on for what union officials say would be a prolonged period of time.

Such a result could leave patients having to deal with strikes by nurses and junior doctors at the same time, leading to more delayed treatments and missed appointments. It would also deal a heavy blow to the government, which had hoped a deal with nurses would pave the way for a series of settlements and bring an end to the winter’s wave of industrial action.

The Times has had a similar briefing. In their story Chris Smyth and Meheeran Khan write:

NHS bosses are particularly concerned about the RCN, whose members are expected to vote against by a “narrow” margin, with some predicting a 55-45 split. Unison members, who include ambulance workers and other frontline staff, are considered more likely to accept.

Three sources with knowledge of the process said it was becoming increasingly apparent that RCN members were likely to vote against the deal. Although voting will continue until 9am tomorrow, one NHS source said: “It’s not looking good”.

Unison, which represents ambulance staff and other NHS workers, is also announcing the result of its ballot today. It also recommended that members accept the deal on offer. The GMB and Unite are also balloting their members, but those results are due later this month.

Yesterday Sunak signalled that one of the five pledges he made in January, stopping small boats, might not be achieved by the time the general election. A second pledge was cutting waiting lists, and this morning Matthew Taylor, head of the NHS Confederation (which represents NHS organisations) said further strikes, which may follow if RCN members vote against the pay deal, would put this pledge in jeopardy. He told LBC:

Another set of strikes would mean that it would become very very difficult, perhaps almost impossible, for the health service, hospitals, to meet targets that they set this year for reducing waiting lists.

There is not much other politics in the diary today, and so we are likely to be focusing on this story.

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