Quiz: who said it – Roy or Murdoch

1 year ago 47

This has been an absurdly big week for ageing media magnates. On Monday, the latest episode of Succession (spoiler alert) finally delivered on its promise by killing off its ferocious, foul-mouthed, billionaire patriarch, Logan Roy, after three and a half seasons of ruthless ambition, the bulk of which came at the expense of his squabbling children.

But then, not to be outdone, Wednesday brought Vanity Fair’s long report about Roy’s real-life inspiration, billionaire patriarch Rupert Murdoch, filled with the sort of juicy insider details that could have only come from someone close to the source.

So, armed with mounds of information about both Roy and Murdoch, it’s time to put our knowledge to the test.

Below you’ll find 21 questions. Your job is simple: figure out if they’re about Rupert Murdoch or Logan Roy.

  1. 1.Who supports one football team, but owns its main rival?
  2. 2.Who owns a Hamptons summer home that was originally built for Henry Ford’s grandson?
  3. 3.Who owns an 180-foot yacht called Rosehearty?
  4. 4.Who collects rare medals despite having never having served in the military?
  5. 5.Who once suffered a brief bout of psychosis brought about by an untreated urinary tract infection
  6. 6.Who divorced his wife with an email reading: ‘Sadly I’ve decided to call an end to our marriage. We have certainly had some good times, but I have much to do’?
  7. 7.Who was described by one of his own children as 'a human Saudi Arabia'?
  8. 8.Who claims he broke his back when his ex-wife pushed him into a piano during a fight?
  9. 9.Who once employed, through his cable news channel, an anchor who married at Adolf Hitler’s Bavarian home?
  10. 10.Who wanted his wife to enrol on an online course and spend 500 hours a year winemaking as a way to write off his vineyard expenses?
  11. 11.Who had security guards watch his ex-wife move out of their marital home, and required her to show receipts for everything she took?
  12. 12. Who inspired a former partner to make an effigy of him, tie a noose around its neck and then burn it on the grill?
  13. 13.Who once fell ill on a boat, but had difficulty getting to hospital because it was too big for the dock?
  14. 14.Who owns seven copies of General Douglas MacArthur’s biography?
  15. 15.Whose ex-wife discovered surveillance cameras in her home, feeding footage back to his company headquarters?
  16. 16.Whose ex-wife is now reportedly ‘Shopping in Milan. Indefinitely’?
  17. 17.Who tore an achilles tendon tripping over a chessboard given to him by his son?
  18. 18.Who once fired, then paid off, a waiter at the wedding of one of his children for spilling champagne on him?
  19. 19.Who once publicly declared that 'I’m now convinced of my own immortality'?
  20. 20.Whose son reportedly sees the destruction of his father’s cable news channel as 'his mission in life'?
  21. 21.Finally, as his children jostle for succession of the family business empire, who said ‘I love you, but you’re not serious people’?
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