Pre-eclampsia and hypertension in pregnancy linked to 19 gene variants

1 year ago 112


A synthetic mouse embryo (left) and a natural mouse embryo (right) show comparable brain and heart formation

Synthetic reproductive cells will help us understand fertility in 2023

Laboratory-grown sperm, placentas and embryos in animals will help us gauge why some pregnancies don't reach full term, but whether these procedures could one day be safe or even ethical in humans is unclear

Fruit fly

Male flies produce a chemical that makes females sleep in after mating

A “sex peptide” transferred from male to female fruit flies during mating interferes with the female’s biological clock, reducing her chances of mating again

X-ray of feet affected by gout

Gout linked to 376 genetic variants in a study of 2.6 million people

As well as being caused by eating a high-fat diet, gout has been linked to hundreds of genetic variants in the largest study of its kind

We have finally found the land of Punt, where pharaohs got their gifts

We have finally found the land of Punt, where pharaohs got their gifts

The land of Punt, a mysterious place where ancient Egyptians bought gold, incense and other luxury items, has been located using DNA from mummified baboons

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