PMQs live: Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer clash over housing market and rising mortgage costs

1 year ago 57

Starmer says 850,000 people paying higher mortgages because of Liz Truss's 'casino' policies

Starmer says Sunak did not answer the question. It is 850,000, paying higher mortgages because the Tories used public money “as a casino”. What will the figure be for people paying higher mortgages by the end of the year?

Sunak says interest rates are coming down. He says under Labour debt would go up.

Key events

Munira Wilson (Lib Dem) asks about a constituent who was hospitalised after swimming in the Thames at Shepperton. Thames Water dumped sewage in the river just days before. Why does Sunak think it is OK for water companies to carry on polluting rivers?

Sunak says the government has a clear plan to tackle this. He criticises Labour for not even supporting these plans in the vote last week.

Rebecca Long-Bailey (Lab) asks if the government will pay any compensation recommended by the ombudsman for compensation to be paid to Waspi women.

Sunak says there is a process under way, and the government will respond.

Ian Levy (Con) asks about a rail restoration project in his Blyth Valley constituency. Sunak says this shows the Tory government is delivering for the area.

Catherine McKinnell (Lab) says police cuts have left the north-east shortchanged.

Sunak says there are a record number of police officers, and crime is 50% lower than in 2010.

John Whittingdale (Con) asks if the goverment is committed to protecting media freedom on press freedom day.

Sunak says the government is committed to this.

Holly Lynch (Lab) says schools have had to become “the fourth emergency service” for families struggling with heating costs.

Sunak says the government has offered a lot of help to families with the cost of living.

Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown says every young person who gets on the housing ladder makes communities more sustainable. Will the PM speed up planning decisions?

Sunak says he does want to ensure decisions can be taken more quickly.

Mary Kelly Foy (Lab) asks Sunak to accept NHS dentistry is in crisis.

Sunak says the government is investing £3bn in dentistry. Discussions are continuing on this issue.

Gagan Mohindra (Con) asks if Sunak agrees the Lib Dems are a threat to the green belt. Sunak does.

Vicky Foxcroft (Lab) asks if Sunak will commit to a post-election review of how many people are being disenfranchised by the new photo ID rule.

Sunak says pilots showed this did not affect turnout. Labour introduced this policy in Northern Ireland, and it is common in Europe, he says.

Karl McCartney (Con) asks about a Labour council in his Lincoln constituency cancelling a local market.

Sunak says he too is disappointed about the loss of the Christmas market in Lincoln. Lincoln deserves better, he says.

Alan Brown (SNP) says Tesla cars in autopilot mode are dangerous. Will Sunak meet with him to discuss this?

Sunak says he is sorry to hear about the case Brown raises. He will arrange a meeting with a transport minister.

Caroline Lucas, the Green MP, says Tory rhetoric on asylum seekers is not dog-whistle politics. It is a giant “foghorn” blasting out a poisonous narrative. In what sense do refugees from Sudan not share our values?

Sunak says the UK has a proud record of taking in refugees.

Sunak says it is a “simple statement of fact” that crime is lower in places with Tory police and crime commissioners.

Axing tuition fees pledge is Labour's 'Nick Clegg moment', says SNP leader in Westminster

Stephen Flynn, the SNP leader at Westminster, says in 2010 David Cameron persuaded Nick Clegg to drop his pledge on tuition fees. Will Sunak take the credit for persuading Keir Starmer to do likewise.

Sunak thanks Flynn for the question. It is hard to keep up with Starmer’s broken promises, he says.

Flynn says Labour is having a “Nick Clegg moment”. The main Westminster parties don’t offer young people any hope, he says.

Sunak says people from a disadvantaged background are more likely to go to university in England than in Scotland.

Starmer says debt has grown, tax is up, the economy has stalled. The Tories are going to need a bigger note.

He says he hopes people enjoy the coronation. The world will see the UK at its best. But it will also be a reminder of the loss of Queen Elizabeth. Will Sunak join him in honouring the late queen and wishing the king a long and happy reign?

Sunak says he hopes people enjoy the coronation. But before that we have the local elections. There is a choice between higher council tax and higher crime under Labour, or lower council tax, lower crime, and fewer potholes under the Tories.

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