Pentagon Official Says Alien Mothership Could Be Watching Us

1 year ago 54
Alient MothershipAlien Mothership, Pentagon officials, and Harvard scientists suggest that an alien mothership could be watching us. Credit: Megan Rosenbloom / Flickr / CC BY-NC 2.0

The head of the Pentagon’s UFO office and a Harvard scientist have presented a new idea about the possibility of an alien mothership being present in our solar system.

They proposed that small probes, which they called “dandelion seeds,” could be sent out by the mothership to explore the planets nearby and collect information. These dandelion seeds are similar to the spacecraft that we humans use to explore space.

The draft paper, titled “Physical Constraints on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena,” was released on March 7 by Avi Loeb, an astronomer at Harvard University, and Sean M. Kirkpatrick, the director of the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).

Although it is not an official document by the Pentagon, it was carried out in collaboration with the Department of Defense (DoD). The paper has not undergone peer review.

Oumuamua alien spaceship

Loeb is recognized for his work on Oumuamua, which is a visitor from outside our solar system that astronomers detected in 2017.

The object’s initial assumption was that it was a comet, but its unique characteristics, such as its elongated shape, the absence of a coma, and its acceleration away from the sun, caused doubts about the theory. Loeb suggested that Oumuamua was an alien spaceship.

The theory behind dandelion seeds

Six months before ‘Oumuamua came close to Earth, a small meteorite crashed into our planet. Loeb saw this as an opportunity to think about the possibility that an alien spaceship could release tiny probes that could explore our planet. He called these probes “dandelion seeds” because they would be small and light, like the seeds of a dandelion plant.

Pentagons expert warns of possible "mothership" coming close to earth.. #UFOSightings #ufotwitter #Aliens #BlueBeam

— HulkTech (@HulkTech420) March 10, 2023

In a new paper, Loeb and his colleague Thomas Kirkpatrick suggest that these probes could be sent to Earth without being detected by telescopes. They think that the probes could use a parachute to slow down as they enter our atmosphere, so they wouldn’t burn up. Once they land, they can explore our planet without anyone noticing.

The paper also talks about Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), which is another name for UFOs. The authors suggest that the probes could be used for exploration without being detected.

Aliens likely to explore planets with atmosphere

Scientists suggest that if aliens were to explore our solar system, they would probably be interested in rocky planets that have an atmosphere. Venus, Earth, and Mars would all seem attractive from a distance, but Earth would be the most intriguing to aliens once they discovered signs of liquid water.

The extraterrestrial civilization that sent out these probes wouldn’t necessarily have to be physically present on the main spaceship, and it’s even unlikely that they could communicate with the probes.

🚨| A Harvard scientist and a Pentagon official just released a draft document which says that our PLANET Earth is under observation by an ‘Alien Mothership’

— Pubity (@Pubity) March 24, 2023

This alien civilization may not even exist anymore. Most stars in our galaxy formed billions of years before our sun, which means a habitable planet with intelligent life may have launched probes long before Earth even formed. Searching for these probes is like checking our mailbox for any packages that may have accumulated over time, even if the senders are no longer alive, according to scientist Loeb.

However, the Pentagon has recently taken a keen interest in investigating unidentified flying objects spotted over American airspace.

Since the establishment of the Aerial Phenomena Task Force last summer, the organization has launched over 360 new investigations into reported encounters with unexplained aerial phenomena by US military personnel, according to Live Science.

About half of these have been identified as “balloons or balloon-like objects,” while the other half lack sufficient data to be fully resolved.

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