Parliament watchdog opens investigation into Rishi Sunak

1 year ago 50

Parliament’s standards watchdog has opened an investigation into Rishi Sunak over a possible failure to declare an interest.

The parliamentary commissioner for standards, Daniel Greenberg, opened the investigation into Sunak over rules requiring MPs to declare their interests.

An update to the parliamentary website shows the investigation, opened on Thursday, relates to paragraph six of the code.

“Members must always be open and frank in declaring any relevant interest in any proceeding of the house or its committees, and in any communications with ministers, members, public officials or public office holders,” the section reads.

A Downing Street source said the investigation relates to the shares his wife
Akshata Murty holds in a childcare agency that will be boosted by the budget.

A No 10 spokesperson responded: “We are happy to assist the commissioner to clarify how this has been transparently declared as a ministerial interest.”

More details soon…

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