Newly Discovered Ocean Bacteria Could Aid Search for Alien Life

1 year ago 47
Newfound Ocean Bacteria in Hydrothermal Vents. Newfound Ocean Bacteria in Hydrothermal Vents. Credit: NOAA Ocean / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0

Scientists have uncovered a remarkable new species living in our ocean’s depths – Sulfurimonas pluma. Unlike its relatives, this organism thrives hundreds of meters away from volcanic vents despite inhabiting oxygen-rich waters – an environment where survival was thought to be impossible!

This discovery has tremendous implications for alien life on worlds like Europa and Enceladus, as hot springs likely exist there too. Who knows what else could await beneath those distant oceans? This remarkable bacterium has defied evolution with its ability to flourish in environments rich or poor, in either hydrogen or oxygen.

Its astounding global presence across Earth’s oceans suggests that similar organisms could exist elsewhere throughout the Solar System, challenging our views on what can survive and thrive far beyond this world. Discovering such an adaptable organism provides us with newfound insight into the potential for supracellular life beyond planet Earth.

Hydrothermal Vents

When the heat from deep within Earth’s crust rises in a brilliant display of power, what is left behind are mysterious and wondrous hydrothermal vents.

With hot magma beneath its surface penetrating icy seawater above, chemical reactions are triggered to create an energy-rich mixture that essentially powers ocean life. This heated plume then journeys far through our seas before losing steam hundreds of meters upward.

As it spreads out horizontally for thousands more kilometers, it comes into contact with oxygen-filled water, which replenishes this powerful concoction – providing nutrients essential to diverse forms of aquatic life on our planet.

Survival of S. pluma in Different Environments

An exciting new study has revealed that the S. pluma microbe can survive in a variety of environments across Earth’s global ocean – from the Arctic to the Antarctic! This finding is essential for astronomers hoping to understand what might exist beneath extraterrestrial oceans, as their hydrothermal processes are likely similar, but differ depending on these bodies’ gravitational pulls and water circulation patterns.

Led by research scientist Morgan Cable at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, this groundbreaking discovery could potentially lead to even more incredible space exploration findings soon. Scientists are on the hunt for signs of life beyond Earth, and recent findings show that they may not have to look much farther than Europa or Enceladus.

Neoteric marine microbiology research reveals a specific bacteria that exists inside the sulfide plumes from deep ocean hydrothermal vents: the microbes access hydrogen in the plumes as a source of energy conversion (biome aspect of deep ocean ecosystems previously-unknown)

— George William (@GeorgeW78246413) March 9, 2023

The study suggests that these organisms exist in their oceans, boosting hopes of finding evidence of extraterrestrial life as NASA prepares its 2024 launch for Europan exploration with the Europa Clipper mission and an Enceladus Orbilander to investigate habitability options on its surface. These expeditions could open up a new world filled with unique species yet undiscovered.

Search For Alien Life

Mysterious life could be hidden in icy worlds beyond our own, but the latest study has revealed that certain organisms are capable of surviving a potentially treacherous journey from seafloor vents to open ocean waters.

In order for spacecraft to detect these creatures and their evidence, it is essential to understand what environment they’re most likely found in. The findings here provide valuable insight into how this extraordinary feat can be accomplished – one organism’s plume-powered expedition!

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