First beauty products made with synthetic palm oil go on sale

1 year ago 43


A skin and hair product that uses a yeast oil with properties similar to palm oil aims to help reduce deforestation tied to palm oil production

By James Dinneen

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10 March 2023

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In the lab at C16 Biosciences, yeast are fed sugar in bioreactors

C16 Biosciences

The world’s first microbial alternative to palm oil smells faintly of carrots. Made by fermenting yeast, the oil could help reduce the problem of deforestation tied to palm oil production.

“We’re trying to prevent future destruction of rainforests,” says David Heller, co-founder of C16 Biosciences, the company developing the oil. The oil is liquid at room temperature and has a dark orange-red colour. The company has begun using the new oil in an oil blend sold …

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