Check Out the Samsung Booth at CES 2023 video - CNET

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Check Out the Samsung Booth at CES 2023

Speaker 1: Hey, you wanna see what Samsung's up to? I'm at their gigantic booth at CES 2023 and we're gonna get a look inside to see the future tech. Come with me. Let's see what they gotta show off. All right. The whole theme of this booth is like sustainability, helpfulness, making the things in your life just kind of work together nicely. And I've really seen sustainability as a theme spread across this whole show [00:00:30] in all different types of companies. So we have a nice little garden here, but really talking about what you can do in your life to have less of a footprint because you know, it's good to think that way, it's good to do. But I wanna look over at their inclusive technology section here. There's some interesting demos here. So their software, their televisions are in different kinds of modes to help different folks. Speaker 1: Let's say you have visibility issues for [00:01:00] anyone who has low vision, the televisions are gonna have software. In this example here is highlighting, enhancing the contrast, the color of the clarity. And they have these goggles here. So you could see what it's like if you have vision impairment. And this is very foggy. How am I looking? Looking good. Okay, so hold on, let me, let me give you a roll. All right. So I [00:01:30] can see the difference here. It's the first time trying this on re lumino mode is what's enhancing the contrast. And I can really see the flowers better versus where a normal television picture would just be, you know, much more blurry. So here, oh yeah, I cannot even see those tennis players. But now in lumino mode I can, that's helpful. I like this. It's actually helping people. Let's go check out some cool stuff they're doing with, uh, with the home appliances. Speaker 1: You're [00:02:00] seeing woven throughout this whole booth, different bits of their technology, but how it applies in different ways. So here, there's artworks being displayed on their bespoke family hub, you know, they're doing different things. Can I open it? I just opened it. I dunno if I was supposed to, but I did. This is one of their smart screen refrigerators, but there's so much more to see. There's so much more to see. Let's go over and see what they're doing and [00:02:30] making everything a little more green in the home. I got a kick out of this one. The smart things clothing care. So we all love a good high tech washer and dryer at c s. This version, the bespoke washer. The bespoke dryer, it's got a lot more smarts in it. It's able to really produce, how do I put this? Yes it is smart, but it's also measuring the micro fibers in [00:03:00] your wash. I think I need someone to help me explain it a little bit better. Amy from Samsung. What's up? Hi. Hi, how are you? Hi. Okay. How smart is this thing? So it's, it's able to make sure that you're, I guess not putting as much waste into the ocean with microfibers. Speaker 2: Yeah, absolutely. So this is a partnership with Patagonia and so what this is, is the efficiency in our washer is actually gonna lessen the aggregation within the clothing. So we will have less microfibers going into our [00:03:30] oceans. We also have the microfiber filter, which is coming soon. And so just a great partnership to really help that sustainability story here at Speaker 1: Samsung. So microfibers are different from microplastics. We hear about that a lot. No, no, no. I don't even, I don't hear about microfibers all the time. Speaker 2: You are correct. Microfibers is the little plastics within the micro microfibers is actually gonna decrease it by 54%. Speaker 1: Wow. And the filter is separate, but this system has this written on [00:04:00] the screen here, so it's measuring for Speaker 2: This. Yeah. So what happens in smart things clothing care, is that you actually get um, less water usage, less energy usage. You can scan for detergents with a special AI cycles. And so this is really gonna help you save that energy. But so get your, your clothes nice and clean Speaker 1: So I can like scan the detergent I use and it knows how much to use exactly. So I'm not wasteful. You Speaker 2: Can customize your cycles as well based upon what you're wearing. Um, [00:04:30] if it's delicate, not delicate, how much water you want to use, you can really get down to the nitty gritty and customize your cycle. Speaker 1: I like this cuz I'm not thinking about this, but I'm just trying to get the kids close, clean. Speaker 2: I Speaker 1: Know, exactly. Thank you Amy. We're gonna keep going and see what else is going on here. Speaker 1: This is kind of neat. So their refrigerator, lots of customization for fashion of your home, right? Because like, oh, why have a boring fridge when you can customize it with different colors. They're interchangeable. [00:05:00] But I kind of also got a kick out of how in some areas this, the spoke line can let you have this French door refrigerator and pick art for it. So what do we have here? You can put Mickey Mouse on your fridge. Okay, so there's a little asterisk that says sold in Singapore, but you know, maybe it'll come here someday. You know, wishing, hoping you can have really cool opportunities. It shows Samsung is thinking outside and make you have appliances [00:05:30] that aren't so boring. Not everything has to look the same. All right, what else do we got? Lots of video game talk. Lots of music talk. And that's because this is how it's all woven in with different partnerships, different products. A lot of talk with Phillips Hu over here because Samsung's working. Oh, there's people grooving. Um, they are showing how different Samsung products are syncing up with the, the lights in Phillips here. Oh, people are just getting [00:06:00] down. Speaker 1: You have to keep moving at ces. This is how you stay with it. There's a lot going on. I I appreciate people who are getting down with it. It's great. It's good. Look at how much is here displayed on the smart things ecosystem. It is really showing how there are so many gadgets we have in our home [00:06:30] and yet Samsung saying, Hey, we're gonna make it all work smooth. We're gonna, we're gonna make sure that this is something that is more simple. Cause I think that's a, it's a, the fragmentation can be a real struggle. I am over here, let's see, looking over at the remote medical care section and this kind of technology is also interesting cuz they're, they're, they're, they're saying that they're working with this app called Health Tap and they're bringing different sensors, different [00:07:00] things together. So you can have a really easy experience taking all your medical data and just having a conversation with your doctor. Whether you're using the Galaxy Watch five or other blood pressure monitors and risk cuffs and scales. You can measure your vital signs with a camera and get that information easily to a doctor. Speaker 1: Is this the really big splashy product that you might normally go? Ooh, [00:07:30] what kind of robot did Samsung make? No, this is more practical stuff. And isn't that something, that's something that you can really come into reality in your real, in your life. You need something practical sometimes at ces, something realistic. And that's where this is, are we allowed to go in the car? Oh, there is a car demo here where we get to see some of the future of the car. We're gonna go check out inside. You wanna come in? There Speaker 3: Are cameras, car that we have now. Speaker 1: [00:08:00] All right, get in over here. I'm gonna go around the other side. I'm gonna go to the other side. This is not a Samsung car. This is an example of the kind of software that Samsung is putting in vehicles to help measure for things like distracted driving. I gotta adjust my seat. I'm a shorty. Hold on, hold on. <laugh>. It's okay. I'll just lay back. It's fine. All right, so Oh, there, there's a game of sorts I have to get. Okay, go. [00:08:30] All right. Am I going Speaker 3: Set Speaker 1: To go? Oh, oh, I see. I have to keep my focus while driving. Okay. All right. Turn. I'm doing this one handed am Is it gonna measure that I'm distracted? There's a camera on me right now kind of measuring for how I'm blinking. Oh, hold on. I dunno if I turned well enough with the microphone again. How am I doing? All right. Ah, [00:09:00] how am I me? Switch it. All right. Yeah, this is totally how, this is totally safe driving. I'm going up the ramp. I wonder if all my looking back at you, if it thinks I'm really paying attention or not, but this is a concept of what Samsung would wanna do to help another car maker add something. Oh, distraction alert. See, see it new. Oh, I'm getting alert. See, talking to you. Not, not good to do while [00:09:30] you're driving Speaker 3: Is tunnel. Speaker 1: Oh, it's, it's talking to me. It's telling me it's very quiet and I'm on a tunnel. It's telling me that I might be getting drowsy. Oh yes, I'm at ces. Of course I am drowsy. I'm trying to hide that though. Speaker 3: <laugh>. Speaker 1: So I'm getting, um, yeah, I don't like this so much cuz it's like as a distraction to look down, but it's telling me, you know, a suggestion mode would be activated in cabin if you wanted it to be there and it would give you some [00:10:00] help if you needed it. You know, going on a long road trip, you kind of could use an extra set of ice to make sure you're not getting drowsy or you're distracted or not focus on your driving. All right. Okay. I I'm hitting the go pedal fine. I'm doing a video for cnet. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm not the best driver right now. It's for journalism. Okay. It's very funny how I sense all that just from a camera in the car Speaker 3: [00:10:30] After. Speaker 1: Listen, listening to the Speaker 3: Message please answer the phone Speaker 1: Questions. So it's telling me to answer questions. Speaker 3: What a message. Speaker 1: So if I got a coming home now am I wonder if Speaker 3: There is a light show downtown? Did you see it? Speaker 1: Oh, I'm getting an alert that I'm distracted. But then again, there was a message on the screen. Yes, there's a message. Don't Speaker 3: Forget to quote the green restaurant for five people on 15. Speaker 1: Oh, don't hit the bus. Speaker 3: It takes forever to get a table there. The [00:11:00] place Speaker 1: Is still okay. This is, this is, this is do not try this at home. Do not try doing a driving test while doing a video. Speaker 3: Oh. And please come on. Your can set the Speaker 1: Bedroom. This thing is going off like crazy. I am a terrible example of what to do on the road, but that is interesting based on how I'm talking, looking here me try to be calm. I'm trying to be calm. Try to be a good driver. [00:11:30] I don't think I'm passing this test. All right. Same. We're almost home. Relaxed mode is recommended. So you, so like if I'm stressed out, it can even recommend that maybe on your road home you take a less stressful route. And if you're wearing a Samsung watch, I'm told you also can get measurements on how stressed you are. That's not something that you could [00:12:00] always maybe get data on unless you have that watch on you to get your vitals. Speaker 3: Okay. Speaker 1: All right. Are we parking? Am I home? Did I make it? Speaker 3: I made it home. You arrived home safely. Speaker 1: Only took me an hour and 30 minutes it. So Speaker 3: Thank you. Have a good day. Speaker 1: There you go. There you have it. So this is, uh, just some of the examples of what Samsung's cooking up for the future. Thanks for taking this little tour with me at c s 2023. [00:12:30] I'll catch you next time. Can I, I think I have to get outta the car now though.

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