Bison lick each other's wounds after a traumatic experience

1 year ago 125


Communal wound licking has been documented in a hoofed mammal for the first time. American bison may use the behaviour to boost social connections and reduce stress

By Corryn Wetzel

Photographs of communal wound licking by (a) an adult female and adult male bison (Bison bison) and (b) an adult male bison, on two different GPS-collared bison in northeastern British Columbia, Canada, on 28 September 2022.

A bison licking the wound of another bison in British Columbia, Canada

T.S. Jung

American bison have been observed licking each other’s wounds, a stress-reducing behaviour not documented in a hoofed mammal until now.

When animals sustain injuries, licking is often the first line of defence for wound care. Licking a laceration or puncture can remove debris that causes infection and help wounds heal faster. The saliva of some animals – including humans – has antibacterial properties and supports tissue and nerve regrowth.

While female bison have been observed grooming unrelated calves, reports of …

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